Being my own inputter into my own website is a little bit like standing on my hands, as my talents, i.e. hands lie elsewhere. However, if I can master this new skill, I am the mistress of my own little webuniverse – Ha! Power is work 😈 , delegation means other people work, but control is thrill too. I guess in every venture we’re called upon to weigh our options. Which aspect of our life and work needs our full-on, hands on, and where do we relax our desire for overall control to let other people do for us what they clearly do better than we do? Unless we organize our life such that we CAN be in control of every thing, these questions need to be answered. I find it takes honest assessment of one’s skillset, an equally hard look at one’s neuroses, and then weigh where the benefit is greatest, and the pain is least.
About this Blog
One is a director animal, whether one rehearses or not. Sometimes this blog will be specifically a rehearsal blog, sometimes I'll post things I keep myself thinking about and want presumptively share with the world, in the hopes that they'll read and comment!
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What I do when not directing:
The Playwrights Directors Unit of the venerable Actors Studio in NYC has added me to their roster of readers, to evaluate plays submitted by writers interested in joining the PDU. Submit your play here!
I am the President of the lobbying organization for professional freelance artists in Liechtenstein, IG Kunst und Kultur in Liechtenstein. Founded in September 2020, as a result of insufficient support for our artistic community, we are working tirelessly to improve both the economic conditions as well as the societal appreciation of artists in the region.